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Environmental responsibility at vivenu

Building a carbon-neutral company

Climate change is the number one present-day challenge, both in terms of the number of people it affects and the magnitude of its impact. We do our part by reducing the footprint of our operations and our ticketing solution, ensuring that we align with the physical limits of our planet and support our customers with their climate ambitions.

Climate actions
To mitigate the devastating effects of the climate crisis, governments, businesses, and civil societies around the globe must work closely together. While vivenuans are already contributing to the solution as private citizens, as a business, we can carry a larger share of the responsibility.

Responsible consumption
Living up to this responsibility starts with our purchasing and procurement processes. As a company, we have made a conscious commitment to resource neutrality as the north star of all our purchasing decisions. As an online ticketing company, we enable more paperless ticketing around the world, thereby also helping our customers in reducing their resource use over time.

Resource management
The way economies and businesses are overextending their resources today is simply not sustainable. At vivenu, we are combatting resource waste through a radical, relentless approach towards efficient energy usage. In our offices, we prioritize the use of reusable coffee cups and packaging – and make sure that paper use is kept to a minimum.

Ecological impact
With all these initiatives, we pursure one common goal: To keep our carbon footprint as a company as small as possible – and compensate for those actions that produce a negative environmental impact every time they occur. Our server provider was explicitly chosen for its demonstrated dedication to green energy.

Below, please find a selection of the specific measures we have already taken or are currently actively implementing to reduce our environmental impact and to affect the environment in a positive manner.

How we contribute


Ecological impact, responsible consumption, resource management

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Fairness and equal opportunity, gender equality, diversity and health

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Highest ethical and corporate governance standards

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