Announcing our $50M Series B Read the Story
Empowering limitless ticketing

vivenu empowers global ticket sellers with a unified, powerful platform to create one-off experiences and unlock huge potentials

We started with a bold vision - To finally transform the global ticketing industry for good. Hundreds of thousands of sellers around the globe rely on ticketing solutions that haven’t kept up with their needs and expectations. Platforms from the 90s that still feel like we are in the 90s made the jobs of ticket managers worldwide constant miseries.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to empower the world's ticket sellers with a unified, powerful ticketing experience fueled by co-creation on our open platform to unlock unlimited opportunities.

vivenu in numbers:

$67Min Total funding
37Open positions
2018Early 2018, vivenu was founded. Why? Because the industry is broken and those responsible are too comfortable to do anything about it. As a result, ticket sellers have largely been stuck in web 1.0, having to rely on outdated ticketing platforms with clunky back-end systems to distribute their tickets. We shaped our mission to build the best, most scalable and most durable tech stack for the ticketing industry.
2019We went live! We onboarded exciting ticket sellers from various segments and created the first memorable experiences together with our organizers. We always put the ticket sellers first, so we kept on interviewing 1,400 new organizers who informed further amazing features.
2020Still silent but with full speed ahead, we grew in size, added a new office and were joined by international investors such as Balderton and Redalpine and industry experts like the owners of the San Francisco 49ers.
2021Cries for help reached us from everywhere around the world. vivenu is now an international company. We have set up the vivenu Inc. as our proud U.S. branch and are onboarding dozens of international organizers every week. We grow, scale and boost experiences worldwide, with the best customer experience in the industry, and empower doers to change the world of ticketing forever.

Revolutionizing ticketing worldwide

Built by putting the ticket sellers first

Our founders saw that ticketing was still stuck in the 90s with platforms putting their brand first and organizers last. So, they set out to build the tech-leading platform to solve this.

vivenu creates a new category in ticketing

We pioneered API-first ticketing with powerful APIs and SDKs to built applications on top of our platform and integrated third-party services. Empowering even the most sophisticated organizers to work independently, vivenu defined a whole new category in ticketing.

A better way to manage, market & sell

Ticketing. Supercharged. We’re the leading ticketing solution for the digital age. We believe that ticket sellers deserve better than the status quo which is why we focus on a data independent, self-empowering and fully customizable approach in ticketing.

vivenu has built a sophisticated product and set of APIs that gives event organisers full control of their ticketing operations

What do we stand for?

Discover more about our DNA
  • Be relentless

    We never settle for what has already been achieved and always grow from there. We relentlessly push for the next wins.

  • Deliver the 100x

    We are committed to delivering long-term success stories and work hard on providing a 100x experience.

  • Get it done

    We know that others count on us and deliver on our promises. We care about results and are determined to overachieve.

  • Keep growing

    We challenge ourselves on a daily basis. We never settle for mediocre and take great pride in continuously developing as people.

  • Our investors

    We're lucky to be part of the amazing portfolios of world class investors.

    Find out why leading industry experts like the owners of the San Francisco 49ers invested in us

    The world of ticketing is changing. Change with it now.

    After decades of dead ends, the world of ticketing is finally changing. Embrace the change now and lead your ticketing into the 21st century. Manage, market and analyze ticket sales effortlessly with our powerful unified platform.