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Boost sales with checkouts optimized for conversion

Don't leave money on the table and start maximizing your revenue with vivenu's data-driven approach.

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Nail the Sale

Feel like the user experience of your shop is hurting your sales? You are probably right: Complex checkouts result in annoyingly high bounce rates. Improve your checkout experience today and convert more visitors to happy customers.

  • Customize data queries and personalizations
  • Use the payment methods your customers already love
  • Introduce ticket buyer accounts
  • Increase performance and speed

Increase transaction values

Boost average transaction values with automated, personalized promotions, up-sell packages and custom checkouts. By up-selling merchandise, including vouchers and insurances, and automizing booking streaks, ticket sellers on the vivenu platform increase their average transaction values by up to 40%.

Want to go even further? With our Checkout API you can build your very own booking experience and frontends.

Analyze and boost performance

Track and analyze conversion rates and transaction values in real-time with our powerful dashboard and learn how to boost your performances.

Explore all the benefits

Smart Booking

Configure every last part of your booking flow

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Branded Experiences

Your booking experience in all its branded glory

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Increased Sales

Get more visitors with optimized conversions

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Content with leaving money and customers on the table?

Turn your ticket shop into a powerful sales engine now, with our proven tools to increase conversion and transaction values. Talk to an expert to explore how our solutions can help you increase your sales.