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Real-time statistics to power your success

vivenu makes accessing and understanding all your statistics easy and fun. Our platform offers real-time dashboards to view your performance metrics from everywhere. Get the full picture of your operations in seconds!

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Real-time performance updates

vivenu's dashboards and reports provide you with full, intuitive access to your performance metrics. Configure and filter your reports – and get updates in the blink of an eye, with our beautiful visualizations that let you slice and dice data down to the last seat. In case you need even more information, our reporting tools help you access exactly the information you are interested in.

Leverage 360° data insights and sell more tickets

Finally get full access to your statistics, master your marketing campaigns, and level up your fan engagement. We provide you full exports of all your data and statistics so you can use them to build winning campaigns. You want to go even further? With our APIs you can stream your ticketing data live to your data warehouse.

Explore all the benefits

Customer Insights

Fully understand your customers and increase fan engagement

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Make more out of your ticket shops by leveraging unrivaled data insights

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Marketing Campaigns

Sell more and at the right places with our integrated marketing capabilities

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Coupons and Discounts

Reward your customers with special discounts and coupons

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Seeing is believing – so let us show you what vivenu can do

Our features look almost too good to be true? We get it. That’s why we love doing product demonstrations to show you how it works. Our experts are looking forward to speak to you about how our platform can address your needs. Start making smarter, data-backed decisions with vivenu's integrated analytics today.