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Governance responsibility at vivenu

Conforming to the highest standards

Playing by the rules – both codified and common sense – is the hallmark of good corporate citizenship. At vivenu, we always make sure to be fully compliant with all applicable legal and ethical rule frameworks. Strong internal measures, structures, and processes underpin this commitment, ensuring radical transparency and compliance at all times. A rigorous customer vetting process ensures that we stick to the highest standards in all our dealings.

Highest ethical standards
vivenuans are not only uniquely qualified for their roles, but also have a demonstrated, spotless track record of ethical behavior and judgement in all their commercial dealings. As a company, we have instituted a zero-tolerance approach to unethical behavior.

Highest governance standards
Clear accountability and radical transparency are the north star for all decisions, processes, and projects, both strategic and tactical, that together form our company. To achieve this, we have built processes that make these priorities actionable for all vivenuans.

vivenu and its local entities comply with all applicable laws and regulations without fail. Being a responsible corporate citizen includes scrupulously observing the rules, so we are committed to upholding the highest standards of compliance in all our dealings.

Below, please find a selection of the specific measures we have already taken or are currently actively implementing to ensure such standards:

How we contribute


Ecological impact, responsible consumption, resource management

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Fairness and equal opportunity, gender equality, diversity and health

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Highest ethical and corporate governance standards

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