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Responsibility at vivenu

As a company, vivenu is comprised of reflective, responsible and aware people valuing their impact on the world.

“We at vivenu are fully aware of ongoing issues in the world. Instead of closing our eyes, we make our contribution count at all times.”

– Jens Teichert, Co-Founder and CTO

Our commitment

At vivenu, we acknowledge that we are embedded in a much wider ecosystem: Everything we do also has an impact on the people and systems around us, both current and future. We believe that as an organization, we have a unique opportunity to honor this responsibility. This is why we commit ourselves to the highest ecological, social, and corporate governance standards.

Living up to this commitment in our everyday operations and how we think about our business and its impact is a never-ending task: To be a responsible corporate citizen in the commmunities our work touches, we have to continuously question and update the way we work and make decisions.

We have strong positions on on environmental, social, and governance issues and do not tolerate ignorance. This is why we make sure to test our candidates on an ESG fit and challenge each other on our impact on this world.

How we measure our success as a responsible company


Ecological impact, responsible consumption, resource management

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Fairness and equal opportunity, gender equality, diversity and health

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Highest ethical and corporate governance standards

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