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Sales at vivenu

Represent the best

As a member of the sales team, you are what Michael Jordan is to Nike: The best testimonial and representative you could ever imagine. From the first contact with organizers to guiding multiple stakeholders through the decision-making process to contract signature, your work is essential to fulfilling our mission: To equip as many organizers around the world with the best ticketing solution and help them do their job better. By becoming an expert on our solution and the wider ticketing market, you are giving customers the confidence they need to make the move.

We are the best product in the market – learn why here

Fix a broken industry

The event industry is one of the most diverse and exciting in the world – but the technology organizers use is still stuck in the early 2000s. From our conversation with thousands of organizers, we know just how unhappy they are with their current solutions. With vivenu, we are building the first serious challenger to incumbent solutions in decades, based on the principles of openness, independence, and simplicity – and a best-in-class technology stack that enables organizers around the world to do more, faster, build their own solutions on top of the vivenu API, and achieve true autonomy.

Your impact is straightforward: You will revolutionize ticketing worldwide.

Our Sales DNA

Get it done

Getting it done is all about doing whatever it takes to build a trust-led relationship with prospects that blossoms into a real partnership even before a contract is signed. Checking in, providing assistance, and effectively solving their challenges is all part of this – and we run through walls to deliver on this commitment.

Be relentless

Deals can be complex and some situations frustrating, and there are definitely days where the going gets tough. Pulling through against the odds while keeping a cool head is essential to consistent outperformance in our team. Being relentless is all about cultivating this attitude and inspiring it in your colleagues.

Keep growing

Our industry is extremely fast-paced, so if we want to stay competitive, we simply can’t afford to stop evolving – both when it comes to our product and how we tell the vivenu story to potential customers. This requires constantly updating our knowledge, learning about what our customers need, and always going the extra mile.

Deliver the 100x

Exceptional outcomes start with a huge and unceasing ambition. We go to work every day with one goal: To deliver a product and service experience that is 100x better than what our customers have used before. This is what measure our work against. If we don’t deliver an outstanding result, we have fallen short and will try again.

What does a typical day look like?

Aaron Böning

Account Executive

Team check-in

Team check-in

Coffee in hand, you are starting your day off with a quick check-in with your sales team to align on goals for the day and hype each other up. Your colleague Aaron has tried a new way of handling a particular recurring objection and has seen deal velocity improve rapidly as a result. Now he shares this with the rest of the team to make all of you better. Over 2,000,000 tickets sold
Follow-up calls & lead acquisition

Follow-up calls & lead acquisition

Coffee in hand, you are starting your day off with a quick check-in with your sales team to align on goals for the day and hype each other up. Your colleague Aaron has tried a new way of handling a particular recurring objection and has seen deal velocity improve rapidly as a result. Now he shares this with the rest of the team to make all of you better.
Prep first scheduled call of the day

Prep first scheduled call of the day

Your first meeting of the day is a big one: The zoo of a major city with two million visitors a year has been looking for a new ticketing system. After many meetings and negotiations, you have agreed on terms, now they want to go over the contract one more time. You spend some time preparing for this call reviewing the terms again.
Meeting with Head of Ticketing of major zoo

Meeting with Head of Ticketing of major zoo

This is the third and final meeting with this customer: The Head of Ticketing is the decision maker. After answering her last questions about the contract and walking her through a particular contentious contract clause you adjusted, she sits back, exhales, and tells you to send over the contract so she can sign it. She is excited about the partnership and so are you. You end the meeting on a first-name basis. You leave the meeting and collect a well-deserved round of high-fives from your colleagues who have heard you get the deal over the line. This went great!
Write follow-up e-mails to prospective customers

Write follow-up e-mails to prospective customers

Time to tackle your inbox! After prospective client meetings, you send up follow-up emails with the meeting notes, next steps, and personalized information on the topics you discussed with them.
Prep next call

Prep next call

Meeting with ticketing executive of football team & <br>Customer Experience Specialist

Meeting with ticketing executive of football team &
Customer Experience Specialist

A satisfied customer has brokered an introductory chat with the ticketing executive of a household name football club. In the first meeting, they indicated that they are looking for a solution that can serve as the cornerstone of an integrated digital fan experience. For this meeting, you also invited Lara, the Customer Experience Lead working with sports customers, to answer more in-depth questions about the platform and the associated services. After the meeting, all their questions are resolved! Next up is a meeting with a Sales Engineer to talk about the technical specifications and then you will hopefully close this customer!
Lunch with the team

Lunch with the team

Lunch is time to decompress, take stock after the first meetings of the day, and relax with your colleagues. After a quick trip to the cafeteria, you are chatting it up with your team, trading stories, and taking a breather before an afternoon packed with more customer meetings.
More customer calls, including preparation and follow-ups

More customer calls, including preparation and follow-ups

Clean up e-mail inbox and write last follow-up e-mails

Clean up e-mail inbox and write last follow-up e-mails

Head home and to the gym

Head home and to the gym

After an eventful day spent sitting in meetings, it's time for some movement. Together with two colleagues, you are grabbing your sports bags and hit the gym. With a high share of former athletes on the sales team, the friendly competition seamlessly extends to the gym. But here, too, you are leveling each other up.
Meeting with ticketing responsible of a large group of museums

Meeting with ticketing responsible of a large group of museums

One of your prospecive clients was extremely busy during the day and asked you whether you would do a meeting after-hours. You agreed, as you really want to close this deal and see big potential in this client. By the end of the meeting, you two agree to meet with his entire team by end of week – and he tells you he really appreciated your extra effort! What a rewarding way to end this day!

Come join us!

Get in touch

We can't wait to get to know you - contact us!

Ada-Sophie Hieronimus

Head of People and Operations